Summer Juliana

Over a hundred miles we drove

To greet you into the world with love

Emotions running high, my head is spinning

In my mouth a bittersweet flavour

Your mommy had a painful and long labour

Your daddy bravely helped throughout

We are proud of them, there is no doubt

A job well done; it is 6:00am

I hear them laugh; I know it’s a girl!

The nurse comes out; announced you birth

We hug and kiss, there is tears of joy

I just can wait to give you the elephant toy

It’s ecstasy!  My heart keeps beating faster!

It is a flood? No, they are tears of joy and laughter

You are a product of true love,

You are a blessing from above

I love your daddy, he is my son

And I love you, my little one

They named you Summer Juliana

My first grandchild! A God sent gift!

I loved you yesterday, today and mañana!


Written by Bianca, Toronto June 30, 1994  


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