Iole Pettinella Furfaro – My Friend The Artist
Iole Pettinella Furfaro
Written by Bianca Ghikas Toronto May 8, 2020
They say that you meet people when you are supposed to meet, not before or after, mmmm that is an interesting hypothesis and in the case of Iole’s and Bianca’s friendship, hehehehe!
Well, well, well, when I married Piero Furfaro in 1974, Iole was married to his first cousin Jerry Furfaro, yet, we met once at our house about a year later and that was it; years went by, we divorced our husbands and life went on until my son GianPiero Furfaro decided to check his DNA with 23andme (and so did I by the way); when the results were published Laura, Iole’s eldest daughter and GianPiero communicated and discovered that they were cousins. What a small world!
My daughter Italia and I went to visit Laura and her husband Carlos and Iole was there as well. Well, we became instant friends as if we knew each other for ever and have been friends ever since.
Let’s get to know Iole a bit, she was born in Abruzzi, Italy and came with her family to Canada in 1956. Iole’s first place of residence was in Cornwall, Ontario, and moved to Toronto in 1963. She worked until retirement as a payroll coordinator, divorced Jerry, married again, has 2 daughters both married and five awesome grandchildren.
About 2 years ago Iole decided to take art classes as a hobby, I am glad she did, she is good, she paints oil on canvas, aquarelle, post cards etc. I asked if there were any artists in her family, and she said no, however her youngest daughter and both her granddaughters are artistically inclined. There must be a genetic component to it!!; as a matter of fact, Iole’s interest in art began in grade school and continued through out high school, her high school teachers advised her to pursue art.
Iole has never exhibited her art, she just gives it to friends and family member, therefore this will be a first time ever that the public can have an appreciation of her art.
Hopes for the near future? Yes, Iole wants to pursue more her art as a hobby and travel more often, of course some of these plans involve me and our lunches and dinners as well, hehehehe! Enjoy her gallery!!!