Ode to Moms
Ode to all Earthly Moms
By: Bianca Ghika May 8th, 2011
A Mom’s love is a treasure
Taken for granted without measure
A Mom gets hurt and yet forgives
A Mom doesn’t give up! She believes!!
A Mom will always be there in time of need
A Mom will always let you take the lead
Her children will always be Angels
Even if they belong to “Hells Angels”
We all believe that we shall be better parents when we grow up
Only to find out later that we screwed up
Moms always do what they believe is best
As it turns out, it was just a failed test
And then the time comes and we discover
We had the greatest mother many times over
And yet she is gone, only her spirit lingers on
When in despair it is her name we call upon
God Bless all Mothers, for they are precious
They are all caring, strong and tenacious!