Tag: poem
Just a Dream
Just a Dream Written by Bianca Toronto 1991 Last night I had a dream He held me tight down by the stream The rolling water a happy noise Yes, darling, we made a choice We planned our wedding day Sometimes within the […]
Empty Nest
Empty Nest Written by Bianca October 1993 From birth to adulthood We dream and fantasize Life’s path seems clear, NO obstacles, there is illumination Reality takes over, with nails and thorns we must familiarize Abuse, rejection, helplessness, there is frustration And yet, […]
Ode to Crayfish
Crayfish Music and Lyrics by Bianca, Trent U, Peterborough Feb 1984 I was studying animal Behaviour and decided to work with crayfish of both sexes in 7 different acquariums, my result i will disclose in a short story, however observing them I […]
Ode to Love -Bianca’s original poem
I wrote this poem in 1986 and made the video in 2011
Βρήκα written by Bianca on June 6 2009 Έψαχνα για μια ζωή της ψυχής μου αγώνας “λιμανάκι σε νησί από αρχαίους αιώνες” (δis) καλλίστη μου με μάγεψες καί μπικες στ’ όνειρο μου φθινόπωρου βράδιά, ξημέρωσε!! ψυχή θυμίθεικες σε μιά στιγμή […]
Bianca’s song
Bianca’s Song Writen by Brant Brown November 1983 Trent U. Trail College Peterborough Spread your wings And fly so high Like a kite of paper – blue Spread your wings and soar above The crowd bellow that watches you In the Updrafts […]
Written by Xrhstos Tsoukas to Bianca’s mom and dad Athens April 8, 2001 Να’ ρχόταν λέει ο Χουάν Ντεμέτριο Γκίκας Την ώρα που βάζαν στεφάνι δυο παιδιά Από την άβυσσο της πίκρας και της γλύκας Να’ ρχόταν λέει κι η ολόγλυκια Ιταλία […]
![](https://gobianca.com/wp-content/themes/voice-blog/images/500x400.jpg )
Por Mirar en tus ojos
Written for Bianca by Edoardo Mazzei Maracay Venezuela 1969 ** sorry no photo for this person Por mirar en tus ojos La llama del deseo Por beber de tus labios Le miel de tu sonrisa Y por llamarte mía Temblando entre mis […]
written for me by Carlos Avalos in Viña del Mar, Chile 1966 This is Carlos today. Bien je ne sais pas les choses que m’an porte a toi, mais le seule chose que je connais c’est : quelque chose en toi est très […]
Poemas de Amor Estos poemas forman partes de la serie: “Seis Poemas de Amor y otros de Introspección” Ricardo es un poeta innato, de una sensibilidad única y muy profundos pensamientos.Leyendo sus poesías el lector puede llegar a sentir y meditar sobre […]